Senior Services Case Management

Senior Services Case Management provides assessment, monitoring, and protective services for seniors. Case managers oversee the development and implementation of client-specific care plans. They can help clients maintain independence through home and community services. These services are state-subsidized through the RI Office of Healthy Aging Home and Community Care Programs.


Eligibility varies by program. In general, the Senior Services Case Management Unit helps residents of Kent County who are at least 60 years old or in assisted living.

Programs and Services


Case managers perform a general needs assessment to develop an effective plan of care.

Protective Services

Case managers provide supportive services for at-risk older residents referred through the Office of Health Aging.


Eligible home-bound clients aged 65 and older pay a reduced rate for the services of a certified nursing assistant.

Conflict Free Case Management

Case management is required for all Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) participants with Intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and Elders and Adults with Disabilities (EAD) who receive Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) at home or in the community-based setting. Case management is a service utilized to empower participants to make informed decisions about their care and protect all participants’ health and safety. All participants have the right to choose who they would like their CFCM Service Agency to be. The case manager will assist the participant in developing their person-centered plan and coordinate and monitor the implementation of that plan.


A person is eligible for Medicaid LTSS if they meet both financial and clinical eligibility criteria established in the State’s Medicaid State Plan.